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  1. To the best of our knowledge, any studies evaluated potential influence on peripheral arterial stiffness, measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV), of percoutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and stenting.

    Authors: M. Vatrano, R. Ceravolo, C. Nesta, A. Ferraro, E. Campopiano, F. Borrello, V. Pascale, G. Ciconte and V. A. Ciconte
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304143
  2. Patients with nocturnal blood pressure (BP) that fails to decline ≥10% compared with daytime BP (non-dippers) have increased mortality risk. This may be related to increased arterial stiffness and raised centr...

    Authors: C. T. Coleman, D. Gilroy, L. Wright, M. Stowasser and J. E. Sharman
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304141
  3. Inflammation and early arterial damage are the possible mechanisms responsible for increased cardiovascular risk (CVR) in patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS). The aim of this study was to investigate the r...

    Authors: L. Ryliskyte, J. Badariene, V. Dzenkeviciute, A. Cypiene, V. Skorniakov and A. Laucevicius
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304139
  4. Serum uric acid (UA) plays a key role in the development and progression of hypertension. We investigated the association of UA levels and indices of arterial function in a cohort of newly diagnosed, never tre...

    Authors: P. Xaplanteris, C. Vlachopoulos, G. Vyssoulis, I. Dima, K. Baou, K. Aznaouridis, N. Alexopoulos and C. Stefanadis
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304137
  5. The elevated level of C reactive protein (CRP) is associated with increased arterial stiffness in general population. However, it is uncertain whether CRP is related to arterial stiffness in rheumatoid arthrit...

    Authors: A. Cypiene, A. Venalis, L. Ryliskyte, J. Dadoniene, Z. Petrulioniene, M. Kovaite, R. Rugiene and A. Laucevicius
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304133
  6. Increased arterial stiffness abnormal ventricular-vascular coupling have increasingly been recognized as playing an important pathophysiologic role in HF, both systolic and with normal ejection fraction. Aim: ...

    Authors: Y. Osmolovskaya, A. Glechan, A. Skvortsov and V. Mareev
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304129
  7. Fibrillin-1 is an important constituent of the vascular wall and earlier studies have indicated an effect of the fibrillin-1 2-3 genotype on blood pressure as well as aortic stiffness. The aim was to determine...

    Authors: R. DeBasso, B. Hedblad, J. Carlson, G. Berglund and T. Länne
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304117
  8. Accumulating evidence suggests that low birth weight is associated with increased risk of future cardiovascular risk and increased systolic blood pressure. However the relationship between birth weight and art...

    Authors: K. L. Miles, B. J. McDonnell, J. R. Cockcroft, I. B. Wilkinson and C. M. McEniery
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304115
  9. Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by the development of renal cysts related to polycystin mutations in the tubular wall leading to renal failure. Moreover, patients with ADP...

    Authors: J. Bellien, C. Freguin, M. Iacob, L. Kandil, C. Thuillez, M. Godin and R. Joannides
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304113
  10. For given levels of blood pressure (BP), people with ‘stiffer’ (less distensible) large arteries develop more cardiovascular (CVS) events, as is typical of diabetes. South Asians (SA) develop excess mortality ...

    Authors: R. Rezai, G. Goudot, J. Finn, F. Wu and J K. Cruickshank
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304111
  11. Paget’s disease of bone (PDB) is a common disorder characterised by increased, disorganised bone turnover in affected areas with overgrowth of immature woven bone. An increased cardiovascular risk has been rep...

    Authors: L. D’Elia, G. Mossetti, C. M. McEniery, D. Rendina, B. J. McDonnell, F. Galletti and P. Strazzullo
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304099
  12. Aortic pulse wave velocity (aPWV) may measure vascular structure and function (distensibility) more precisely than blood pressure (BP). Few data exist on arterial distensibility in infancy; none on the effects...

    Authors: J. Kips, O. Ayoola, S. Greenwald, W. Balogun, P. Clayton, L. Van Bortel, P. Segers and J. K. Cruickshank
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304095
  13. Arterial stiffness (AS) and central BP (CBP) are new «target-objects» for Antihypertensive Therapy (AT), but the possibility to correction these parameters on nonmedicament treatment is discussed.

    Authors: Z. N. Sukmarova, A. Yu. Litvin, A. N. Rogoza and I. E. Chazova
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304083
  14. Vascular B1 kinin receptor expression is upregulated in human atheroma and the presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEi), but its role in man remains unclear. We examined vasomotor and fibrin...

    Authors: N. L. Cruden, N. N. Lang, T. J. MacGillivray, N. G. Uren, K. A. Fox and D. E. Newby
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304081
  15. While vardenafil is widely prescribed for erectile dysfunction, its effect on arterial function is not established. Arterial stiffness and wave reflections are markers of cardiovascular disease and predictors ...

    Authors: D. Terentes-Printzios, C. Vlachopoulos, N. Ioakeimidis, K. Rokkas, K. Aznaouridis, K. Baou and C. Stefanadis
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304079
  16. AIM of this study was to evaluate the clinical efficacy of long-acting nitrates, isosorbide-5-mononitrate (ISMN), in addition to ACE inhibitor on artery stiffness in patients with essential hypertension. MATER...

    Authors: F. T. Ageev, E. M. Seredenina, I. A. Orlova, A. G. Plisuk and I. V. Barinova
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304077
  17. Due to absorption of carbon dioxide and elevated intraabdominal pressure, pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic cholecystectomy has potentially harmful intraoperative cardiovascular effects. Our aim was to test...

    Authors: Sz. Lengyel, P. Sarkany, E. Szelei, E. Komonyi, M. Juhász, E. Katona, G. Paragh, B. Fülesdi and D. Páll
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304075
  18. Anti-hypertensive agents differ in their ability to slow progression of the increase in carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) with disease and have different effects on the lumen diameter (LD) of the car...

    Authors: B. Ariff, F. Glor, L. Crowe, Y. Xu, W. Vennart, D. Firmin, S. Thom and A. D. Hughes
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304073
  19. Atosiban and ritodrine are frequently used tocolytics . Only a few studies investigated the hemodynamic effects of atosiban. We therefore aimed to study the central and peripheral hemodynamics of both medicati...

    Authors: I. G. M. Fabry, P. De Paepe and L. Van Bortel
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304071
  20. To examine the influence of calibration of peripheral blood pressure on the estimation of central systolic blood pressure (cSBP) from peripheral arterial waveforms using a transfer function.

    Authors: A. Guilcher, S. Brett, B. Clapp and P. Chowienczyk
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304065
  21. Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. However, PWV is usually determined between the carotid and femoral sites, ignoring the proximal ascending aorta which may st...

    Authors: S. S. Hickson, M. Butlin, M. Graves, I. B. Wilkinson and C. M. McEniery
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304063
  22. The non-invasive analysis of plaque echolucency (ECL) with Adobe Photoshop® has proven to reduce the subjectivity of ultrasonic evaluation of atherosclerosis. However, ECL provides information concerning only ...

    Authors: P. J. Forcada, S. A. Gonzalez, D. Olano, E. Cavanagh, S. Obregon, C. Castelaro and C. Kotliar
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304061
  23. Brachial artery reactivity following compression is used as a surrogate marker of endothelial function. Brachial diameter increases exceeding 10% indicate normal endothelial function. We investigated if basal ...

    Authors: V. Maher, C. Markham, A. OHalloran, M. O’Dowd, M. Carey, A. Brown and D. McInerney
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304060
  24. There is increasing evidence that central (aortic) blood pressure (BP) may be a more important determinant of cardiovascular risk than brachial BP. Most of actual devices to assess central BP non-invasively ar...

    Authors: G. Pucci, L. Whittaker, S. S. Hickson, J. Cheriyan, G. Schillaci, C. M. McEniery and I. B. Wilkinson
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304058
  25. Systolic pressure, Ps, and pulse pressure, PP, are determined by heart and arterial system. We here compare systemic arterial system characterizations alone, and mention their use and limitations (aspects).

    Authors: N. Westerhof and B. E. Westerhof
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304056
  26. The Valsalva manoeuvre (VM) is a physiological manoeuvre capable of generating profound changes in venous return. Although its physiology has been extensively described, the predominant focus has been on dynam...

    Authors: A. J. Baksi, J. E. Davies, N. Hadjiloizou, R. Baruah, B. Unsworth, R. A. Foale, K. H. Parker, D. P. Francis, J. Mayet and A. D. Hughes
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304054
  27. Abdominal obesity is a clinical setting recognized as a difficult situation to assess transcutaneous pulse wave velocity (PWV). PWV measurement between carotid and femoral sites is considered as the gold stand...

    Authors: L. Joly, A. Kearney-Schwartz, P. Salvi, D. Mandry, G. Karcher, P. Rossignol, P. Y. Marie, F. Zannad and A. Benetos
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304052
  28. Men with CAD have been shown to have abnormal arterial stiffness. Arterial function may change over time, according to treatment; the prognostic value of these changes has not been investigated.

    Authors: I. A. Orlova, E. Nuraliev, G. Makarova, E. Yarovaya and F. T. Ageev
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304048
  29. According to the 2007 European Society of Hypertension guidelines, measurement of arterial stiffness (AS) is recommended in patients with arterial hypertension (HT). The carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PW...

    Authors: A. Vicente Casanova, F. Martinez Garcia, E. Solaz Moreno, O. Calaforra Juan, M. Bori Gines and J. Redon i Mas
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304046
  30. There are several approaches to assess endothelial function using forearm ischemia - hyperaemia (FMD). The principal difference is whether flow is stopped in the root of the arm (proximal or P) or the wrist (d...

    Authors: P. J. Forcada, S. A. Gonzalez, D. Olano, S. Obregon, C. Castelaro and C. Kotliar
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304044
  31. Central blood pressure may be a better predictor of cardiovascular risk than peripheral blood pressure. The central systolic blood pressure (cSBP) can be estimated from the late systolic shoulder of the radial...

    Authors: S. S. Hickson, M. Butlin, F. Mir, J. Graggaber, J. Cheriyan, M. Yasmin, J. R. Cockcroft, I. B. Wilkinson and C. M. McEniery
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304042
  32. Parameters of wave reflection (augmentation pressure - AP or augmentation index – AIx) are powerful independent prognostic markers in patients with coronary artery disease. However, the invasive investigation ...

    Authors: S. Wassertheurer, B. Hametner, C. C. Mayer, B. Eber and T. Weber
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304040
  33. Abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) is an independent determinant of cardiovascular events. Computed tomography (CT) is currently the gold standard for measuring aortic calcification but is limited by relativ...

    Authors: M. Cecelja, M. L. Frost, T. Spector and P. Chowienczyk
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304038
  34. Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a familial cause of emphysema, due to reduced antiproteolytic activity within lungs. Systemic manifestations however, remain little explored. We have previously demonstr...

    Authors: J. M. Duckers, D. J. Shale, N. S. Gale, R. Stockley, J. R. Cockcroft and C. E. Bolton
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304035
  35. Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk. Phase contrast magnetic resonance imaging (PCMRI) is a recent technique that allows PWV to be measured along the entire aort...

    Authors: S. S. Hickson, M. Butlin, M. Graves, I. B. Wilkinson and C. M. McEniery
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304022
  36. Increased arterial stiffness is associated with a reduced buffering capacity of the large arteries, therefore predisposing the microcirculation to increased flow and pressure pulsatility. However, increased wa...

    Authors: B. J. McDonnell, J. Coulson, M. Munnery, N. S. Gale, K. Mortlock, I. Munnery, I. B. Wilkinson, C. M. McEniery and J. R. Cockcroft
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304020
  37. Chronic inflammatory arthropathies such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. TNF-α antagonist...

    Authors: K. Angel, S. Provan, M. Fagerhol, T. K. Kvien and D. Atar
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304017
  38. Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (vEDS) is a rare severe genetic disease which results from mutations in the gene encoding type III procollagen (COL3A1), characterized by vascular and/or hollow organic ruptures...

    Authors: K. T. Ong, J. Perdu, H. Plauchu, J. De Backer, A. De Paepe, J. Emmerich, X. Jeunemaitre, D. Germain, P. Collignon, G. Georgesco, E. Bozec, J. S. Hulot, S. Laurent and P. Boutouyrie
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304015
  39. Pulse wave velocity (PWV), measure of aortic stiffness, is predictive of cardiovascular events. PWV is strongly related to age and blood pressure but its relation to other risk factors and presence of calcific...

    Authors: M. Cecelja, B. Jiang, K. McNeill, M. L. Frost, T. Spector and P. Chowienczyk
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304013
  40. Intra-aortic balloon pumping is widely used to augment diastolic coronary perfusion. However, far less is known about its effects on other large arteries. In this study we assessed the effects of intra-arteria...

    Authors: J. E. Davies, J. Baksi, A. Sharp, B. Gerber, B. Sachdev, J. Mayet, I. S. Malik and A. D. Hughes
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304012
  41. Migraine is associated with an increased risk for ischemic stroke and other cardiovascular (CV) events, including angina, myocardial infarction, and CV death. However, the mechanisms which link migraine to CV ...

    Authors: G. Schillaci, G. Pucci, I. Corbelli, P. Sarchielli, M. Mannarino, M. Pirro, P. Calabresi and E. Mannarino
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304010
  42. Arterial calcification is commonly observed in cardiovascular disease and is associated with increased arterial stiffness, systolic hypertension and adverse cardiovascular outcome. Arterial calcification is an...

    Authors: B J van Varik, R. J. M. W. Rennenberg, A. A. Kroon, L. J. Schurgers and P. W. de Leeuw
    Citation: Artery Research 2009 3:304008

Artery Research is associated with the Association for Research into Arterial Structure and Physiology (ARTERY).

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