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P1.12 Prognostic Role of Reversible Arterial Stiffness in Men with Coronary Artery Disease



Men with CAD have been shown to have abnormal arterial stiffness. Arterial function may change over time, according to treatment; the prognostic value of these changes has not been investigated.


The aim of the present study was to assess whether an improvement of lager artery rigidity in response to treatment, could predict a more favorable prognosis in a population of men with CAD.


A total of 157 consecutive men with CAD (mean age 56,9 ± 10,8), using conventional therapy (IACE-63%, b-blocker-88%, statins-96%, calcium channel blockers-25%, nitrates −21%) underwent brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) measurement at baseline and after six months. During the 3,5-year follow-up period 38 patients experienced MACE (acute myocardial infarction, coronary intervention, or cardiac death).


After six months follow-up, baPWV had not improved (ΔbaPWV ≥0% relative to baseline) in 85 (54.1%) of 157 men (group 1), whereas it had significantly improved (DbaPWV <0%) in the remaining 76 men (45.9%) (group 2). During follow-up, we noticed 24 events (8,08 per 100 person-years) in group 1 and 6 events (2,25 per 100 person-years) in group 2 (p < 0.001). Cox analyses demonstrated that independent of age at base line and BP changes, absence of baPWV decrease was predictor of MACE. The negative predictive value of DbaPWV was 28,2% and the positive predictive value was 92,1%. The sensitivity of DbaPWV was 80%, and its specificity was 54%.


This study demonstrates that an improvement in arterial stiffness may be obtained after six months of ordinary therapy and clearly identifies patients who have a more favorable prognosis.

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Orlova, I.A., Nuraliev, E., Makarova, G. et al. P1.12 Prognostic Role of Reversible Arterial Stiffness in Men with Coronary Artery Disease. Artery Res 3, 163 (2009).

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