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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
  • Poster Session I - Special Populations I
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P72 Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Copd: 5-Year Data from the Arcade Study



Cardiovascular (CV) disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in COPD 1 . Aortic pulse wave velocity (AoPWV), an independent predictor of CV risk, is elevated in COPD 2 , however, there have been no longitudinal studies of AoPWV in COPD. The Assessment of Risk in Chronic Airways Disease Evaluation (ARCADE) aims to study CV risk factors longitudinally, in COPD. We hypothesised that patients with COPD would have increased AoPWV over 5 years compared to controls.


Thus far, 26 patients with COPD and 26 controls subjects have completed the assessments at baseline and after 5 years. Assessments included: AoPWV (SphygmoCor device), blood pressure (BP), heart rate, BMI and lung function (spirometry).


At baseline, patients and controls were similar in age, gender, BP, heart rate and BMI but patients had a trend of greater PWV (p < 0.055). After 5 years both COPD and comparators had increased AoPWV (p < 0.05). There was no change BP in COPD, but BP increased in controls (p < 0.05), while lung function declined in patients with COPD (p < 0.05) but not controls. The rate of change of AoPWV was similar in patients and controls after adjustment for changes in BP (Figure 1) (p > 0.05).


Although the increase in AoPWV over 5 years was similar in COPD and controls, AoPWV was greater in patients with COPD than controls at baseline and after 5 years which may suggest earlier stiffening in COPD. Further longitudinal assessments will inform the understanding of the development of arterial stiffness and may indicate possible therapeutic targets.


  1. Mannino, et al 2008 Eur Respir J 32:962–969.

  2. Sabit et al. 2007 AJRCCM 175:1259–1265.

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Gale, N., Shezawi, M.A., Munnery, M. et al. P72 Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Copd: 5-Year Data from the Arcade Study. Artery Res 24, 99–100 (2018).

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