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Table 2 Hemodynamics parameters (subdivided into groups according to the age)

From: P.23 Relationship Between Aortic Stiffness, Aortic, and Carotid Impedance with Vascular Aging in Community-Based Healthy People

Age group





p value for trend


n = 137

n = 356

n = 445

n = 298




SBP (mmHg)

107.0 (16.2)

112.5 (13.9)

118.0 (15.5)

121.6 (14.9)


DBP (mmHg)

74.3 (12.5)

77.8 (10.2)

78.8 (10.6)

77.5 (9.7)


PP (mmHg)

33.6 (7.1)

35.5 (7.4)

40.1 (8.7)

45.3 (9.9)




SBP (mmHg)

120.2 (17.3)

125.3 (15.1)

131.2 (16.8)

134.6 (16.5)


DBP (mmHg)

73.3 (12.5)

76.8 (10.2)

77.5 (10.5)

76.1 (9.7)


PP (mmHg)

41.2 (9.1)

43.7 (11.7)

48.9 (11.7)

53.4 (12.6)


MAP (mmHg)

90.9 (14.3)

95.0 (12.4)

98.4 (13.6)

99.9 (12.5)


Heart rate (bpm)

69 (9.7)

69 (10.3)

66 (10.2)

66 (10.3)


pf (mmHg)

28.8 (7.1)

28.1 (6.6)

30.2 (6.9)

34.5 (8.7)


pb (mmHg)

14.5 (3.1)

15.4 (3.3)

17.7 (3.8)

19.5 (4.4)


CFPWV (m/s)

9.4 (1.9)

10.8 (2.4)

12.4 (3.1)

15.2 (4.4)


Aortic flow-pressure


Zc (dyne·s/cm5)

102.3 (32.2)

89.6 (31.6)

90.8 (38.4)

104.7 (50.7)


SVR (dyne·s/cm5)

1782.0 (551.4)

1685.2 (435.7)

1683.7 (441.9)

1664.0 (543.7)


Mean flow (ml/s)

63.4 (16.6)

69.6 (19.7)

70.7 (17.4)

73.7 (20.6)


normalized Zc

0.06 (0.02)

0.05 (0.02)

0.05 (0.02)

0.06 (0.02)


Carotid flow-pressure


CCI (dyne·s/cm5)

2060.2 (520.5)

2198.2 (708.0)

3183.0 (1030.9)

3328.3 (1154.5)


CVR (dyne·s/cm5)

9421.3 (2472.4)

9860.9 (2049.4)

11879.2 (2612.3)

12347.4 (3022.2)


Mean flow (ml/s)

13.2 (2.5)

13.1 (2.3)

11.2 (2.2)

10.9 (2.2)


normalized CCI

0.22 (0.05)

0.23 (0.06)

0.27 (0.08)

0.27 (0.08)


  1. Data were presented as mean(SD). SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; P P, pulse pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; pf, forward pressure; pb, backward pressure; CFPWV, carotid-femoral pulse velocity; Zc, aortic characteristics impedance; SVR, systemic vascular resistance; CCI, carotid characteristics impedance; CVR, carotid vascular resistance.