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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
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P169 Relationship Between Common Carotid Distensibility/Aortic Stiffness and Left Ventricular Morphology and Function in Rheumatologic Patients



Arterial stiffness is known to be associated with atherosclerosis, cardiac remodelling and cardiovascular diseases. In recent studies, common carotid artery rigidity was seen to better predict cardiac morphology and function if compared to aortic parameters. The aim of the study was to determine the relation between carotid/aortic stiffness indices and the main echocardiographic measures in patients with rheumatological disease.


208 participants were evaluated (57,4 ± 11,4yr; males = 36,1%); 65,9% were previously diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, 20,2% with psoriatic arthritis and 13,9% with ankylosing spondylitis. In each subjects medical history, use of drugs and glico-metabolic status was assessed. Echocardiography, blood pressure (BP) measurement and carotid ultrasonography were performed. Carotid Distensibility (CD) and Aortic Stiffness (AoS) were measured as indices of arterial stiffness.


Mean Left Ventricular Mass indexed by body surface area (LVM/BSA) and Relative Wall Thickness (RWT) were 98,8 ± 20,7 g/m2 and 0,46 ± 0,06, respectively. In multiple regression analysis, DC was correlated with age (β = 0,325, p < 0,0001) and mean BP (β = 0,502, p < 0,0001) while AoS was not associated with any anthropometric, anamnestic and vascular parameters. DC has been seen to inversely correlate with LVM/BSA (r = −0,20, p = 0,005), Intraventricular Septum and Posterior Wall Thickenss; a direct correlation between AoS and left E/e’ (a diastolic function indicator) has emerged (r = 0,191, p = 0,007).


Results are consistent with a possible predictive role of DC assessment in left cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling and a direct link between AoS and left ventricular diastolic function.

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Bevilacqua, M., Dalbeni, A., Tagetti, A. et al. P169 Relationship Between Common Carotid Distensibility/Aortic Stiffness and Left Ventricular Morphology and Function in Rheumatologic Patients. Artery Res 24, 130 (2018).

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