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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
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P161 Relationship of Fibrinogen with Arterial Stiffness is Different According to Gender. EVA Study



To analyze the association of arterial stiffness with the fibrinogen in general population without previous cardiovascular diseases. Differences by gender.


A cross-sectional study. Study population: From the population assigned to the participating healthcare centres, a cluster random sampling stratified by age and gender was performed to obtain 501 participants aged between 35 and 75,100 per decade, (50% women) without cardio or cerebrovascular disease. Measurements: pulse wave velocity femoral carotid (cfPWV) was determined using the SphygmoCor System and Cardio Anckle Vascular In-dex (CAVI) using the VaSera. Plasma fibrinogen was measured in blood.


Mean values: age 55.9 ± 14.2 years (Males = 65.9 ± 14.3 years, Females = 55.8 ± 14.2 years, p = 0.935); CAVI:8.0 ±1.4 (Males = 8.1 ± 1.5, Females = 7.9 ± 1.4, p = 0.043); cfPWV: 6.5 ± 2.0 m/sec (Males = 6.8 ± 2.2 m/sec, Females=6.2 ± 1.8m/sec, p < 0.001) and fibrinogen: 314 ± 70 mg/Dl (Males = 198 ± 65 mg/Dl, Females = 330 ± 71 mg/Dl, p < 0.001). CAVI and CfPWV showed positive correlation with fibrinogen (r = 0.248 and r = 0.147 in males p < 005 in both cases), but not in the females (r = 0.126 and r = 0.101 p > 0.05 in both cases). In the multiple regression analysis after adjusting for age, cardiovascular risk factors, drugs and lifestyles, the association of CAVI with fibrinogen was β = 0.249 (95% CI 0.033to0.464) p = 0.024, and of the cfPWV with fibrinogen was β = 0.01 (95% CI -0.031 to 0.042) p = 0.684 in males, without finding association between CAVI, cfPWV with fibrinogen in the case of females (p = 0.144 and p = 0.825 respectively).


CAVI and cfPWV showed a positive correlation to fibrinogen in males in general population without previous cardiovascular diseases, but not in females. However, after adjusting for confounding factors, the association only remains with CAVI in males.


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Gomez-Sanchez, L., Gomez-Sanchez, M., Sanchez-Aguadero, N. et al. P161 Relationship of Fibrinogen with Arterial Stiffness is Different According to Gender. EVA Study. Artery Res 24, 127 (2018).

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