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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
  • Poster Session II - Models, Methodologies and Imaging Technology II
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P139 Automatic Classification of Arterial and Venular Trees in Colour Fundus Images



Quantitative imaging of retinal arterioles and venules offers unique insights into cardiovascular and microvascular diseases but is laborious. We developed and tested a method to automatically identify Arte-rial/Venular (A/V) vessels in digital retinal images in conjunction with a semi-automatic segmentation technique.


Segmentation of blood vessels and the Optic Disc (OD) was performed as previously described [1] using a dataset of X colour fundus images. Using the OD as a reference point a graph representation was constructed using the vessel skeletons. Vessel bifurcations and crossings were identified based on direction and local geometry, and A/V classification was carried out by fuzzy logic classification using colour information. Results were compared with expert classification.


157 arterial and 150 venular segments were classified. Preliminary Results showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 42.20%, 99.21% and 97.73% for arteries and 50.89%, 98.70% and 97.54% for veins. An example is shown in Figure 1.


Computer-based systems can assess local and global aspects of the retinal microvascular architecture, geometry and topology. Automated A/V classification will facilitate efficient cost-effective assessment of clinical images at scale.

(a) Colour image, rectangle crop area in (b)-(d), (b) segmented blood vessels, red crossing, green bifurcations, blue root and yellow ambig¬uous points, (c) ambiguous points corrected, and (d) classified vessels, red artery and blue vein.


  1. Martinez-Perez et al. Med Image Anal 2007; 11(1):47–61.

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ena Martinez-Perez, M.E., Parker, K., Witt, N. et al. P139 Automatic Classification of Arterial and Venular Trees in Colour Fundus Images. Artery Res 24, 119 (2018).

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