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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
  • Poster Session II - Hypertension III
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P114 Application and Replicability of Bilateral and Simultaneous Multiple Arterial Bloodpressure Measurements in Sedentary and Physically Active Professions



Lack of physical activity is endemic in office life. Sedentary associated disorders include general adaptation syndrome (‘stress’), musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, metabolic and overweight. These conditions provoke absenteeism. Purpose: We evaluated applicability and repli-cability of a novel multi-arterial blood pressure device in healthy sedentary and physically active, non-sedentary individuals in their professional environment.


Arterial properties of 20 asymptomatic (46,0(SD12.9) years, 6 sedentary and 14 non-sedentary volunteers) were assessed twice. A Vascas-sist device and Vasometrix software (iSYMED/Adiphea, Butzbach, Germany) was used. Ankle-brachial index (ABI) and pulse wave velocity (PWV) were calculated. Central Aortic Pressure (CAP) and Vascular Age (VA) were calculated using general transfer functions (GTF’s).


Initial RR’s were raised (134(SD15.6)/81(12.6) versus 124(10.6)/ 73(10.8) mmHg in repeat assessments, p < 0.001). Intial and repeat ABI’s (1.20(SD0.08), 1.20(0.08)%, r = 0.78), and PWV’s (10.3(SD1.6), 10.2(1.4)m/ s, r = 0.85) were highly correlated. So were CAP’s (116.3(9.4) and 115.5 (9.4mmHg), and VA’s (39,7 (12.8) and 41.0 (11.9)years). Sedentary subjects showed increased initial SBP’s (Δ9.0mmHg, p = 0.03), DBP’s (Δ14.2 mmHg, p < 0.001), and VA’s (Δ11.1yrs, p = 0.04), but not in repeat assessments (all p’s > 0.1). ABI’s in the active were lower (1.17(0.05) vs. 1.28(0.07)%: p’s < 0.001), as were diastolic CAP’s (Δ’s 14.3 and 12.5 mmHg; p’s<0.01). ΔPWV’s were indifferent.


As in clinic, in corporate environments ‘white coat’ hypertension is observed and can be considered an autonomic response being more outspoken in the sedentary. RR, ABI, PWV, CAP and VA proved highly repli-cable endpoints. Simultaneous multiple arterial blood pressure assessments and validated GTF modelling create robust functional and structural arterial endpoints for efficacy evaluation of pharmaceutical, nutriceutical and lifestyle cardioavascular health interventions.

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de Groot, E. P114 Application and Replicability of Bilateral and Simultaneous Multiple Arterial Bloodpressure Measurements in Sedentary and Physically Active Professions. Artery Res 24, 112 (2018).

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