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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
  • Poster Session II - Epidemiology
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P103 Reference Values in a Representative Sample for a Certain Country



Difference between sex, age, ethnias etc. have been described for every parameter of vascular structure and function. It is of outmost importance to know their reference values for using non invasive vascular evaluations (NIVE) in a certain population to detect subclinical aterosclerosis.


Analize the values of the main vascular structure and functional parameters used for NIVE in a significative reference sample of a country.


A retrospective cohort study from a database of 7355 p. first ever Non Invasive Vascular Evaluations (NIVE) (IMT, plaques, PWV and Endothelial Function (EF)). We analyzed 667 p. 40–45 y.o. (9.1%) referent healthy patients without CV risk factors, heredofamilial history, CV events and CV drugs. The whole group, men (392) and female (275) data divided in deciles (from 70 y.o.) are described.


The higher proportion of the sample is concentrated between 30 and 60 y.o. in both sexes. IMT ranged from 0,49 to 0,8 mm, % of CF Plaques from 1,2% to 78,6%, Athero.Burden 16 to 68mm2, Endothelial Function from 9,8 to 8,8% and PWV from 6,8 + 1.9 to 10.3 + 2 m/sec. Comparison between sex showed higher values in males and with other reference antional and international series, quite similar values except in some groups.


This is a significative sample of “healthy patients” coming from a mixed urban and rural population of our country, offering a set of reference values for the main NIVE parameters, ready for clinical application.


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Forcada, P., Castellaro, C., Gonzalez, S. et al. P103 Reference Values in a Representative Sample for a Certain Country. Artery Res 24, 108–109 (2018).

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