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P94 Evaluating Central Pressure in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke in Acute Phase: Prognosis and Outcome


Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is defined as sudden onset of a neurologic deficit. It’s the cause of about 85% of all strokes and the deficits last for more than 24 h. (1) Blood pressure (BP) is elevated in 75% or more of patients with acute stroke and different levels of peripheral BP at onset are associated with poor outcomes. In patients with AIS, management of blood pressure is still a matter of debate. Brachial pressure is a poor surrogate for aortic pressure and recent evidence suggests that central pressure is more strongly related to future cardiovascular events. In this pilot study we aimed to evaluate central pressure (CBP) in patients admitted with AIS in the acute phase (first 24 h). We evaluated 34 patients with a man age of 72,7 years. Patients presented a mean NIHSS score 5,4 at admission (0-18) and NIHSS of 4 at discharge. Pre-AIS Rankin mean was 1 and at discharge was 2,1. Brachial systolic and diastolic blood pressures varied between 108 – 250 and 42–131 mmHg accordingly, with mean values of 147,48/78,21. Central BP varied from 102,5 – 215 mmHg systolic and 44–128,5 mmHg diastolic with mean value of 136,65/80,56 mmHg.In this sample, low values of both central and peripheric BP were associated with poor outcome (Rankin scale).This is an ongoing study aiming to evaluate central hemodynamic parameters in acute phase os AIS and at long term. The main gold is to enlarge our sample so we can be able to extract more and stronger data.

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Costa, A., Paiva, D., Goncçalves, F. et al. P94 Evaluating Central Pressure in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke in Acute Phase: Prognosis and Outcome. Artery Res 24, 106 (2018).

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