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P88 Central Pressure in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke in Acute Phase: A Pilot Study


Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS) is defined as sudden onset of a neurologic deficit. The main risk factor for stroke is high blood pressure (BP) and it is elevated in more than 70% or more of patients with AIS. In patients with AIS, management of blood pressure by brachial pressure is very important, but recent evidence suggests that central pressure is more strongly related to future cardiovascular events. In this study we started to evaluate central pressure (CBP) in patients admitted with AIS in the first 24 h.We evaluated 34 patients, 23 male and 11 females. The age mean was 72,7 years (49 – 96 years). The patients presented a mean NIHSS score of 5,4 at admission (minimum of 0 and maximum of 18), that was higher in males (mean of 8,1) than in females (mean of 4,3). In males, the mean BP was 148,41/ 79,04 mmHg and systolic CBP varied from 109 mmHg to 215 mmHg and diastolic from 63 mmHg to 128 mmHg (mean of 138,76/81,33 mmHg). In females, the mean brachial pressure was 143,72/76,45 mmHg and the systolic CBP varied from 102 mmHg to 190 and the diastolic from 44 mmHg to 104 mmHg (mean of 132,23/78,95 mmHg). The mean of augmentation index was 35% (34% in females and 35% in males).The aim of this study is enlarge our sample and evaluate the correlation between BP and CBP with RANKIN and NIHSS score of the patients not only at the acute phase but also after that, and the occurrence or not of new events.


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Paiva, D., Costa, A., Campos, A.L. et al. P88 Central Pressure in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke in Acute Phase: A Pilot Study. Artery Res 24, 104 (2018).

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