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  • ARTERY 18 Poster Session
  • Poster Session I - Clinical aspects
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P21 Characterization of an Atherosclerotic Phenotype



Interaction between gentics and epigenetics has been largely described in Atherosclerotic Disease and the relations varies widely according to the population, clinical characteristics and the study type.


Compare genetic and epigenetic factors in two middle age populations with and without plaques.


A retrospective cohort study from a database of 6381 p. first ever Non Invasive Vascular Evaluations (NIVE) (IMT, plaques, PWV and Endothelial Function (EF)). We analyzed 1876 p. 40–45 y.o. (29.4%) and particularly 179 (2, 8%) without CV Drugs, 80 w/o (P-) and 99 with C-F plaques (P+).


The proportion of males (54 vs 76%), Family history + (42 vs 73%) and smokers (19 vs 30%) were higher in P+. IMT and EF were significantly abnormal but not PWV or CBP in P+.


In a very selective sample of middle age patients, the genetic burden and the functional alterations seem to be closely related to the presence of aterosclerosis suggesting a pathogenetic predominace over epigenetic factors.

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Forcada, P., Carlos, C., Gonzalez, S. et al. P21 Characterization of an Atherosclerotic Phenotype. Artery Res 24, 85–86 (2018).

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