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Validation of Ultrasound Determination of Local Pulse Wave Velocity in the Human Ascending Aorta Against MRI Measurements



Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) is a measure of arterial stiffness which predicts cardiovascular risk independently of blood pressure. Local PWV can be measured non-invasively in the ascending aorta of adults by means of Ultrasound (US), using successive recordings of Diameter (D) and the velocity (U) [1].


To test US measurements of local PWV in the ascending aorta of human adults against MRI measurements of local PWV.


PWV in the ascending aorta of 8 healthy volunteers (age 22–34y, 3 females) was measured using a Siemens MAGNETOM Aera 1.5T MRI scanner as per standard protocols with cine and phase contrast imaging (sampling frequency 100 samples/cardiac cycle) and D and U were calculated using validated software [2]. US images were recorded using GE Vivid E95 scanner with a 1.5–4.5 MHz phased array transducer. PLAX was used for diameter recordings and A5CH for velocity. Measurements were recorded for 20s during a breath-hold. D and U waveforms were extracted from each imaging modality to calculate PWV using the ln(D)U-loops technique [3].


Average results are summarised in Table 1. The mean difference in PWV between MRI and US was 2.8 ± 0.3%.


PWV measured by US shows excellent agreement with MRI in the ascending aorta of adults. Given US availability, this technique offers an easy, affordable and non-invasive means of determining PWV and mechanical properties of the ascending aorta; thus, providing a tool for screening studies.

Table 1 MRI and US measurements of D, U and PWV. Data are means ± standard deviations (n=8).


  1. Madalina Negoita, Alun D Hughes, Kim H Parker, Ashraf W Khir, ‘Non-invasive Technique for Determining Local Pulse Wave Velocity in Humans Ascending Aorta’, Computing in Cardiology 2017, Volume 44:1–4.

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  2. A. De Cesare, A. Redheuil, A. Dogui, O. Jolivet, A. Lalande, F. Frouin, E. Mousseaux, A. Herment, ‘ART-FUN: an Integrated Software for Functional Analysis of the Aorta’, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2009, 11(Suppll 1): P182.

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  3. J Feng and AW Khir. ‘Determination of wave speed and wave separation in the arteries using diameter and velocity’. Journal of Biomechanics, 2010, 43(3):455–462.

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Madalina, N., Charlotte, M., Anish, B. et al. Validation of Ultrasound Determination of Local Pulse Wave Velocity in the Human Ascending Aorta Against MRI Measurements. Artery Res 24, 62 (2018).

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