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P82: Image-Based Characterization of Plaque Lipid Concentration Changes in Time and The Role of Statin therapy



Carotid artery atherosclerosis is an established risk factor for cerebrovascular events. Core lipid-rich plaques are considered at a higher risk of embolization compared to fibrous or calcified lesions. Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is effective for studying carotid plaques, providing a virtual histology [1]. Here we assess the behavior of non-surgical carotid plaques in terms of lipid variation over time.


Eleven patients were enrolled (University of Turin) with a 50–69% (ECST) carotid asymptomatic stenosis. Seven patients were on statin therapy. All patients signed an informed consent and underwent standard carotid ultrasound (MyLab25 Gold, Esaote). A 1.5ml bolus of SonoVue (Bracco Spa) was injected; then a 5ml saline flush. Post-contrast Bmode images (180s after injection) were saved and analyzed offline. All patients repeated this protocol after 6 months.

The plaques were segmented, intensity normalized [2], and characterized according to a previous method [3].


We evaluated small cohorts according to lipid concentration changes, identifying four categories. One patient had a plaque showing no lipid variation; four patients showed a slight decrease; four patients a remarkable decrease; two patients an increase.

Seven patients with a decrease in lipid concentration were on statin therapy, while both patients with an increase in lipids were not.


A method for asymptomatic carotid plaque characterization using CEUS is presented. We focused on plaque lipid variations and the possible influence of statin therapy. We showed that carotid plaques are rarely stable, but rather continuously change composition over time and how statins could play an important role in this process.


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  3. Molinari F, Liboni W, Giustetto P, Pavanelli E, Marsico A, Suri JS. Carotid plaque characterization with contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging and its histological validation. Journal for Vascular Ultrasound. 2010 Dec 1;34(4):175–84.

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Meiburger, K., Varetto, G., Rispoli, P. et al. P82: Image-Based Characterization of Plaque Lipid Concentration Changes in Time and The Role of Statin therapy. Artery Res 20, 76 (2017).

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