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P78: Longitudinal Micro-Ultrasound assessment of the OB/OB Mouse Model: Evaluation of Cardiovascular, Renal and Hepatic Parameters



Obesity is associated with increased risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Leptin-deficient mice (ob/ob) are widely employed to investigate obesity. This study is aimed at providing a micro-ultrasound (mUS) longitudinal evaluation of the ob/ob mouse in terms of cardiovascular effects, consequences for renal microcirculation and liver fat accumulation.


Sixteen wild-type (wt) and eleven ob/ob male mice were studied at 8 (T0) and 25 (T1) weeks of age with a mUS system (Vevo2100). Cardiac output (CO), ejection fraction (EF), stroke volume (SV), fractional shortening (FS) and E/A ratio were measured from cardiac images. Mean diameter (Dmabd, Dmcar), relative distension (relDabd, relDcar) and pulse wave velocity (PWVabd, PWVcar) were obtained for both abdominal aorta and common carotid. Renal resistivity and pulsatility index (RI, PI) were assessed. The ratio between grey-levels related to liver and kidney (Steato-Score) was used as index of hepatic steatosis.

Results: At T0, ob/ob mice showed reduced SV, EF, CO and relDabd values and increased LVmass, PWVabd, RI, PI and Steato-score. Similar results for SV, EF, CO, RI, PI and Steato-Score were found at T1; furthermore, obese mice showed reduced Dmabd and Dmcar measurements in comparison with lean controls. The longitudinal analysis showed an increase in LVmass and Dmabd and a reduction of FS, EF, CO, relDabd and relDcar for wt animals and no differences for the ob/ob one.


ob/ob mice presented a premature cardiac dysfunction without a further age-related deterioration and a reduction in the abdominal aorta and carotid artery mean diameter in adult age.

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Di Lascio, N., Kusmic, C., Stea, F. et al. P78: Longitudinal Micro-Ultrasound assessment of the OB/OB Mouse Model: Evaluation of Cardiovascular, Renal and Hepatic Parameters. Artery Res 20, 74–75 (2017).

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