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P61: Psychological Determinants of Target Organ Damage in Hypertensive Patients: Focus on Type A Personality and Left Ventricular Mass Index



Increased Left Ventricular Mass Index (LVMI) is a well known risk factor for cardiac morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, it is widely recognized that clinical evolution and progression of established CV diseases are related to a range of psychological characteristics, which may partially explain the spread and recurrence of these diseases. Little is known about LVMI and its association with psychological characteristics in arterial Hypertension (HT) patients. The aim of the current cross- sectional study was to evaluate the association between psychological characteristics and LVMI in a cohort of hypertensive patients.

Table 1 Changes in measure carotid properties with 3.5-year follow-up.

The bold indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between follow-up and baseline.


A total of 244 outpatients (age 18–80 years) followed by the Hypertension Unit of S. Gerardo Hospital (Monza, Italy) affected by essential hypertension were recruited. Anamnestic data, clinical BP, and laboratory data and LVMI were evaluated. Patients were asked to complete a battery of psychological questionnaires under the guidance of a psychologist.


At T0 the mean age was 55.9 ± 10.1years, SBP and DBP were 135.6 ± 17.7 and 82.5 ± 9.1 mmHg and PWV was 8.6 ± 2.1m/s. The multivariate stepwise linear regression analysis showed that sex (beta = 0.252, p < 0.001), age (beta = 0.135, p < 0.037), mean BP (beta = 0.178, p = 0.003), family history of CV disease (beta = 0.129, p = 0.027), and Type-A personality (beta = 0.148, p = 0.014) were significantly and independently associated with LVMI.


Among psychological factors, higher levels of Type-A personality is related to higher LVMI, while Type-D personality, anxiety, depression and stress are not associated.

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Greco, A., Maloberti, A., Sormani, P. et al. P61: Psychological Determinants of Target Organ Damage in Hypertensive Patients: Focus on Type A Personality and Left Ventricular Mass Index. Artery Res 20, 71 (2017).

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