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High origin of radial artery from the axillary artery: Case report


The axillary artery is the main artery supplying the shoulder region and is clinically important. In the present case we report an arterial variation of the left upper extremity of a 65 year-old female cadaver. The radial artery arose from the axillary artery 2.5 cm below the anterior humeral circumflex artery and above the teres major muscle. It first coursed along the medial aspect of the arm, then it passed laterally between the biceps brachii and the brachialis muscle. Reaching the upper part of the elbow, it coursed medial to the brachioradialis muscle. It did not give off any branches in either the arm or in the forearm regions. It contributed to the formation of the superficial palmar arch in the palm of the hand. Further, the brachial artery entered the cubital fossa and divided into ulnar and common interosseous arteries. The right upper extremity had a normal arterial branching pattern.

Being aware of the variations of the axillary artery may help to prevent diagnostic errors and avoid complications during the surgery of the region.


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Özgür, M., Gölpınar, M., Arifoğlu, Y. et al. High origin of radial artery from the axillary artery: Case report. Artery Res 17, 39–42 (2017).

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