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A convenient three dimensional model to teach the arterial supply of the brainstem


An easier approach of teaching the three dimensional nature of arteries of the brainstem is being proposed and aids the understanding of clinical vascular conditions of the brain. Various regions of a standing student appear to represent different parts of the brain-stem: head (midbrain), trunk (pons), thigh (medulla oblongata), leg (spinal cord), satchel (cerebellum) and plastic box (fourth ventricle). The vertebral arteries travel proximal to the spinal cord and medulla oblongata and unite at the position of the belt buckle to form the basilar artery. The basilar artery runs superiorly and finally bifurcates laterally at the neck of the student, to form the posterior cerebral artery. The teaching aid is simple, convenient and depicts 19 arteries of brainstem and circle of Willis.

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Correspondence to H. Gangata.

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Gangata, H. A convenient three dimensional model to teach the arterial supply of the brainstem. Artery Res 3, 89–90 (2009).

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