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P2.46 Relation between Pulse Wave Velocity and Predictors of Clinical Outcome in Arterial Hypertension



to evaluate the relation between pulse wave velocity (PWV), an independent marker of cardiovascular risk and other parameters with prognostic significance: intima media thickness (IMT), left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and flow mediated vasodilatation (FMD) in patients with essential arterial hypertension.

Material and Methods

142 hypertensive patients (aged 50–75 years, 65% females, without diabetes) were studied before and after 6, 12 months of treatment with ACEI/channel blockers + Indapamide. PWV was assessed using Complior method, IMT and FMD using carotidian/brachial ultrasound respectively. LVH was defined by index of mass (LVMI) and geometric patterns.


1. PWV is strongly related with LVMI and concentric hypertrophy irrespective the gender, moment of evaluation or regimen of treatment (p<0.05). Correlation with eccentric hypertrophy is evident at baseline only for females (t-test). 2. PWV is related with carotidian IMT (r=0.38, p=0.01) at baseline; after 12 months the relation remains only in ACEI subgroup (r=0.42, p=0.03). 3. Corelation with FMD exists only after adjusting for cardiovascular risk factors (ANCOVA).


our results suggest the complexe interrelation between non-invasive parameters of atherosclerosis, which is influenced by cardiovascular risk profile and antihypertensive regimen. The combination of these measurements is of stronger clinical relevance.

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Aursulesei, V., Datcu, G. & Datcu, M.D. P2.46 Relation between Pulse Wave Velocity and Predictors of Clinical Outcome in Arterial Hypertension. Artery Res 2, 117 (2008).

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