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P1.43 Framingham Score Underdiagnoses Vascular Disease in Patients Under Cardiovascular Prevention



Framingham score (FS) is used in clinical practice to estimate the CV risk of complications and is used as reference to evaluate new markers of CV risk. Recently ESH/ESC 07 guidelines stressed on the evaluation of subclinical vascular disease (VD). We analyzed, using an integrative ultrasound evaluation, the severity of VD according to increasing FS levels of risk.


We did in the same procedure 1) CIMT 2) Plaques characterization, 3) PWV and 4) FMD with a strict quality control. We set a score (VS) from 0 to 5 according to the severity of the VD. The FS was obtained from medical records.


We performed a cross sectional, observational study on 702 p.(54 + 13y.o.,448(64%) males).FS was high(>20%)for 216p. (30,8%), moderate(10–20%)for 204p.(29%), and low (<10%)for 282p.(40,2%).

Table 1


1-The higher the FS, the more the severity of the VD increases. 2-Although, we have found 54,2% with a low FS with moderate to severe VS and 18% of pts. with severe VD classified as low to moderate clinical risk.

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Forcada, P., Kotliar, C., Obregon, S. et al. P1.43 Framingham Score Underdiagnoses Vascular Disease in Patients Under Cardiovascular Prevention. Artery Res 2, 102 (2008).

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