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P1.33 Comparison Between Ultrasonic Measurements of Carotid Wall Properties and New Automated Method by Analysis of Imaging


Echotracking (ET) devices were developed to determine elastic properties of arterial wall material with high precision. The radiofrequency provides a higher precision than with B-mode image systems, limited by the spatial resolution of pixel. New approaches to analyse the B-mode imaging (IA) with offline semi-automated boundary tracking (AMSII) could enhance accuracy and limit variability of arterial measurements, but this method should be validated.


To compare carotid parameters assessed with echotracking and applanation tonometry to IA process.


10 healthy volunteers had successively common carotid artery measurements with ET and B-mode image analysis (standardized probe localization and orientation). Local carotid systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), pulse pressure (PP) were measured with aplanation tonometry. Systolic and diastolic diameters (SD, DD), distension were assessed with both methods. Data were analyzed independently, blinded to the results of concurrent method. Coefficient of variation (CV) and Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the methods were calculated. Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test for matched pairs was used for significance.


No significant differences were observed through results of the two assessment methods for local SBP, DBP, PP, Distension, DD and SD. All CV were inferior to 5%. Correlation coefficients between paired parameters were at least 0.90 for all the measurements.


Results from analysis of IA with AMS II seem to be in accordance with those from Artlab® echotracking (BM and FBM mode). Quality of image recording is an essential factor of concordance between the two methods and this implies further investigations in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

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Bozec, E., Masson, I., Collin, C. et al. P1.33 Comparison Between Ultrasonic Measurements of Carotid Wall Properties and New Automated Method by Analysis of Imaging. Artery Res 2, 100 (2008).

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