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P1.23 Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index in General Population in 5 Years Follow-up



The objective of the present study was to assess changes in blood pressure (BP) parameters and AI in general population after 5-years follow-up.


From the general population we recruited 197 members from random families (99 parent and 98 offspring (age at baseline: 51.4 and 25.5 years) who constituted 110 normotensives and 87 hypertensives). Initially and after 4.8±0.3 years we recorded the radial arterial waveform using the SphygmoCor device. We evaluated peripheral AI (pAI) and central AI (cAI).


In both generations as well as in normo- and hypertensive groups we observed comparable increase in BMI and decrease in heart rate. We found higher increase in aortic SBP with lesser decrease in central DBP in offspring and in normotensives while cPP increase was higher in parent and in participants with initially diagnosed hypertension (p<0.005). We observed greater elevation of brachial SBP with simultaneous lesser reduction in DBP with similar increase in peripheral PP in offspring and in normotensives. Changes in pAI and cAI were more pronounced in younger generation and resulted respectively 4.4 vs 2.9(%); p = 0.004and 5.2 vs 3.7(%); p = 0.001. Moreover we observed higher increase in pAI (4.6 vs 4.3(%); p = 0.006) and in cAI (4.8 vs 4.6(%); p = 0.005) in hypertensives.


Our findings indicate that AI increased in offspring and can be use as effective tool to detect the progressive increase in aortic stiffness in younger individuals. The aortic pulse pressure more effectively indicate age and blood pressure related changes in arterial wall stiffening than brachial pressure.

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Wojciechowska, W., Stolarz-Skrzypek, K., Olszanecka, A. et al. P1.23 Blood Pressure and Augmentation Index in General Population in 5 Years Follow-up. Artery Res 2, 97 (2008).

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