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P1.05 Influence of Felodipin on Blood Pressure and Arterial Properties in Older Hypertensive Patients


Pulse wave velocity (PWV) and endothelial function are prognostic factors in arterial hypertension. Modification of them, apart from blood pressure (BP) lowering seems to be important in the evaluation of antihypertensive drugs. The AIM of this study was to prove otherwise while assessing the direct effect of felodipin (Felodip, Teva) on arterial properties in patients (more then 55 years old) with mild, moderate and severe hypertension.

Materials and methods

30 hypertensive patients (mean age 63,98±6,46 years, 22 male, 8 female) received felodipin in individual titrated doses 2,5-10mg (mean dose 7,96 mg) daily for 3 months. The examination comprised routine tests, ECG, blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides. The assessment of arterial stiffness was done by way of measuring brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV). Endothelial function was calculated based on flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) parameters.


The treatment produced a significant reduction in systolic (-30.4mmHg) and diastolic BP (-15.2mmHg). Significant decrease of baPWV (by 7.0%) and increase of FMD (by 21.5%) was observed. There was an insignificant rise in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose. Felodipin has been well tolerated in most patients.


These results demonstrate that felodipin increases arterial distensibility. This effect of felodipin should be attributed to BP lowering and endothelial function improvement.

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Ageev, F., Orlova, I., Kulev, B. et al. P1.05 Influence of Felodipin on Blood Pressure and Arterial Properties in Older Hypertensive Patients. Artery Res 2, 93 (2008).

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