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  • Abstracts of Artery 7, Prague, Czech Republic 14–15 September 2007
  • Poster Presentations
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P.046 Impaired Arterial Elastic Properties in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected NaÏve Patients. The Role of Subclinical Inflammation



Subclinical inflammation has been associated with impaired arterial elastic properties. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection per se represents a model of chronic inflammation, possibly related to progression of atherosclerosis.


To investigate the impact of HIV infection on arterial elastic properties in HIV naïve patients.


We studied 32 HIV infected naïve patients (aged 32 years, 28 males, 18 smokers) and 26 healthy individuals matched for age, sex and smoking status. Aortic augmentation index (AIx) and augmented pressure (AP) were assessed using assessment applanation tonometry of the radial artery. Carotid femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) was estimated as an index of aortic stiffness by means of a computerized method (Complior SP).


HIV patients compared to controls had increased levels of pulse pressure (52 vs. 44 mmHg, p = 0.004), while there was no difference regarding body mass indexand metabolicprofile.APand AIxwere significantlydecreased inHIVpatients (0.3vs.4mmHg, p = 0.01and1%vs. 12%, p = 0.005, respectively) even after correction for heart rate (0.6% vs. 8.3%. p = 0.043). HIV patients and controls exhibited similar values of PWV (6 vs. 6.1 m/s, respectively, p = 0.83).


HIV infected naïve patients compared with controls are characterized by decreased wave reflections and similar values of large artery stiffness. Peripheral vasodilatation is suggested to be the predominant mechanism, induced probably by the chronic subclinical inflammation inthis setting.

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Antoniou, G., Vlachopoulos, C., Tsiachris, D. et al. P.046 Impaired Arterial Elastic Properties in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infected NaÏve Patients. The Role of Subclinical Inflammation. Artery Res 1, 63 (2007).

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