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  • Abstracts of Artery 7, Prague, Czech Republic 14–15 September 2007
  • Poster Presentations
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P.012 The Association Between Free Thyroxine, Aortic Rigidity and Genetic Polymorphism of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in a Population Sample



Thyroid hormones showed direct proliferative properties on cardiovascular system also by modulating the expression of renin-angiotensin axis. The aim of our study was to establish, whether interaction between mutation of angiotensin II, type 1 receptor (AGTR1) and mild changes in free thyroxine (fT4) may influence the aortic rigidity.


249 euthyroid subjects (m121, f128, mean age 48.03 ± 0.70) was selected from population based-study. Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) was measured using Sphygmocor, A1166C mutation of AGTR1 by PCR. The sample was stratified according to fT4 quintiles for optimal (2nd to 4th quintile), low-normal (1st quintile) and high-normal (5th quintile) fT4 strata.


[mean±SEM; optimal vs. low-normal (p1) or high-normal (p2), *adjusted for age and gender]

Table 1


In our sample of general population we found, that high-normal fT4 was associated with increased aPWV, however significantly expressed only in patient with A1166C mutation of AGTR1.

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(supported by grant IGA9333-3, Ministry of Health CZ).

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Mayer, O., Filipovský, J., Pešta, M. et al. P.012 The Association Between Free Thyroxine, Aortic Rigidity and Genetic Polymorphism of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in a Population Sample. Artery Res 1, 55 (2007).

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