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  • Abstracts of Artery 7, Prague, Czech Republic 14–15 September 2007
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P.007 Reference Values for Arterial Stiffness in a Sub-Saharan African Population



Unlike Caucasians, African subjects react with pronounced peripheral activation in response to stressors. To shed more light into the peripheral arterial characteristics of African people the current study was undertaken. Furthermore diagnostic thresholds for increased arterial stiffness were to be determined.

Methods and results

Pulse pressure (PP) and carotid-radial pulse wave velocity (PWV) was determined in normotensive men (N = 383) and women (N = 616) of African descent. PP and PWV was higher in men than women. Age had only a marginal effect on both parameters. Based on 95th prediction bands the following sex-specific thresholds for increased arterial stiffness at age 50 y were determined: men, 63 mmHg for PP and 16.5 m/s for PWV; women, 59 mmHg for PP and 14.9 m/s for PWV. These thresholds need adjustment by 0.7 mmHg and 0.2 m/s for men and 1.9 mmHg and 0.2 m/s for women for each decade that age differs from 50 years.


Normotensive men of African descent have stiffer arteries compared to their female counterparts. The determined thresholds can be used to diagnose increased arterial stiffness in middle-aged adults of African descent.

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Reimann, M., Huisman, H.W., Schutte, R. et al. P.007 Reference Values for Arterial Stiffness in a Sub-Saharan African Population. Artery Res 1, 54 (2007).

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