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Table 2 Sex differences in arterial load in 460 healthy adults after adjustment for cuff-measured blood pressure

From: Noninvasive Assessment of Sex Differences in Arterial Load in Healthy Adults


Men (n = 230)

Women (n = 230)

P value

Ea, mmHg/mL

1.337 (1.309–1.366)

1.571 (1.542–1.599)

 < 0.001

EaI, mmHg·m2/mL

0.743 (0.724–0.763)

0.972 (0.952–0.991)

 < 0.001

TAC, mL/mmHg

1.910 (1.874–1.946)

1.499 (1.463–1.535)

 < 0.001

TACI, mL/mm Hg·m2

1.055 (1.036–1.075)

0.924 (0.905–0.944)

 < 0.001

SVR, kdynes·s/cm−5

1.204 (1.177–1.232)

1.375 (1.347–1.402)

 < 0.001

SVRI, kdynes·s/cm−5·m2

2.176 (2.129–2.223)

2.229 (2.182–2.276)


Pulsatile load (aortic PP/MAP)

0.493 (0.492–0.494)

0.548 (0.547–0.548)

 < 0.001

Tau-W, s

1.691 (1.671–1.710)

1.512 (1.492–1.531)

 < 0.001

  1. Data are estimated marginal means (95% CIs) without adjustment and after the adjustment. Nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms as in Table 1